Inner Range's ECOLITE credential is based on 13.56MHz Mifare Ultralight EV1 technology and is compatible with Inner Range's SIFER readers and Inception or Integriti controllers. IR-994580 is an ECOLITE ISO card that provides modern security between the physical credential and reader but does not support writable data to other sectors for third-party systems, however, does support static 7-byte CSN/UID data. The ECOLITE credential is a simple offering at great value while still providing peace of mind security.
Inner Range's ECOLITE credential is based on 13.56MHz Mifare Ultralight EV1 technology and is compatible with Inner Range's SIFER readers and Inception or Integriti controllers. IR-994580 is an ECOLITE ISO card that provides modern security between the physical credential and reader but does not support writable data to other sectors for third-party systems, however, does support static 7-byte CSN/UID data. The ECOLITE credential is a simple offering at great value while still providing peace of mind security.