Inner Range OSDP to Wiegand Converter

Inner Range OSDP to Wiegand Converter

The Inner Range OSDP to Wiegand converter is designed to convert credential reader data from OSDP to Wiegand or Wiegand to OSDP.

The device can be configured for any of the following:

  • Convert data from an Inner Range SIFER Reader to Wiegand data for a Wiegand Reader input
  • Convert data from a range of other 3rd party OSDP Readers to Wiegand data for a Wiegand Reader input.
  • Convert data from a Wiegand Reader to Inner Range SIFER data for an Integriti serial reader input. i.e. The RDR RS485' Port (OSDP bus) on an Integriti SLAM, ILAM or IAC. NOTE: The OSDP port is not intended to be connected to a 3rd party OSDP bus.

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