Takex Voice Warning Speaker, 8 Second recordable message

Takex Voice Warning Speaker, 8 Second recordable message

Takex's range of speaker sensors are commonly used to provide welcoming messages at building entrances, to protect emergency doors in shopping centres/hospitals/public buildings etc., to deter would-be intruders in security applications, or to trigger alarm/warning messages at construction sites and other hazardous areas. The AV-100E in particular is a horn-type speaker with built-in microphone. A N/O input is required to trigger the playback of your recorded message.

  • Genuine speech synthesis device (requires an external trigger)
  • Volume control up to 100dB
  • Built in microphone - up to 8 seconds of your own personal message
  • Requires triggering by other device/control system
  • Horn speaker type 100dB/1m (max)
  • Suitable for indoor and outdoor use
  • 5 Year Warranty

  • 12V DC, 20 - 500 mA

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