Paradox 13.5V DC, 2.5A Power Supply Module, Supervised or Standalone, req. CSD-T1630S-T

Paradox 13.5V DC, 2.5A Power Supply Module, Supervised or Standalone, req. CSD-T1630S-T

The Paradox PS25 is a 2.8A supervised switch mode power supply that connects to a Paradox control panel bus or may work as a standalone power supply.

The PS25 provides a maximum of 2.5A (13.8 Vdc) continuous auxiliary power output and can charge a battery with 300mA, battery charging current may increase up to 1.2A if Auxiliary current is reduced accordingly.

When connected to a Paradox panels bus, it will provide status on AC supply, output voltage, current and will give advanced warning before disconnecting auxiliary output when the battery is drained. Troubles can also be viewed on BabyWare, reported, or sent via push notifications.

  • 2.8A supervised power supply
  • 2.5A auxiliary power output and up to 1.2A flexible battery
  • On-board, auto-sensing anti-tamper switch
  • Standalone operation

  • AC Power: 16 Vac, 40 VA, 50-60 Hz
  • Auxiliary Power: 2.5A maximum, 13.8 Vdc when AC present, 12.8 Vdc or battery 1V when battery supply
  • Disconnect at 9.5V
  • Battery: 12 Vdc, 4 Ah to 14 Ah
  • Charging: 300 mA min to 1200 mA (redirect from auxiliary if less than 2.5A)
  • Operating Temperature: -20 to 50deg C
  • Humidity: 95% maximum
  • Bus Supervision: AC, Aux voltage
  • Dimensions (H x W x D): 5.6 x 14 x 2.5 cm
  • Compatibility: EVO192, EVOHD all versions, MG5000, MG5050, SP5500, SP6000, SP7000 V6.80 and higher

No description available for this product.
  • AC Power: 16 Vac, 40 VA, 50-60 Hz
  • Auxiliary Power: 2.5A maximum, 13.8 Vdc when AC present, 12.8 Vdc or battery 1V when battery supply
  • Disconnect at 9.5V
  • Battery: 12 Vdc, 4 Ah to 14 Ah
  • Charging: 300 mA min to 1200 mA (redirect from auxiliary if less than 2.5A)
  • Operating Temperature: -20 to 50deg C
  • Humidity: 95% maximum
  • Bus Supervision: AC, Aux voltage
  • Dimensions (H x W x D): 5.6 x 14 x 2.5 cm
  • Compatibility: EVO192, EVOHD all versions, MG5000, MG5050, SP5500, SP6000, SP7000 V6.80 and higher

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